My family has always lived on the premise that "No news is good news". I know it's been a while since I updated, but although I know people are glad to hear it, the "I'm feeling good today" only flies for so many entries. :) Well, although I'm doing well, I have been busy for the last week. Friday I had my port placed. It was outpatient surgery. My stepmom came to stay the night with us on Thursday to help with Ashlyn on Friday morning. She got up early with Ashlyn so we could sleep a little later than usual (which we REALLY appreciated!). I had to be at the outpatient center at 11:45. We got there at about 11:30, they took us back really quickly to the triage room and got me all set up for the procedure. We didn't have to wait very long at all before they were wheeling me back to the operating room. David gave me a real kiss (we risked the germs)...and then the anesthesia lady gave me some sleepy medicine. I got situated in the operating room and I was talking about my sweet little one and then I asked the anesthesia nurse, "Did you give me some more of that stuff"...and then I was out..that's the last thing I remember saying. I woke up in recovery and just felt like I'd had a good nap. They went and got David and I got to go home really shortly after that. The prayers were felt and appreciated and the procedure went super smoothly! I went home and went back to sleep for a while, but I didn't feel bad. The next day I was a little sore from the incision...but I was handling it with the pain meds...until little one was pitching a fit and I picked her up and she whacked me! Oh that hurt! That took laying down and putting some frozen peas on for a while to get over. Sunday we were pretty much back to normal. Saturday my hair started coming out and I have to admit I was a little upset. I knew it was coming soon, but nothing can prepare you for your hair coming out. Sunday it was coming out even more and my hair was shoulder length so it was making a pretty big mess, so I called our good family friend Teresa (who normally cuts my hair anyway) and asked her if she could see if she could do a short little do to help me transition. I don't look half bad with short hair!
Monday we took Ashlyn to school and headed back to the hospital to get my second dose of chemotherapy. This was my first dose in the outpatient setting. They took me back pretty quickly and used my port to set up the IV. No arm sticks was nice, but the whole port thing is a little weird for me. David was allowed to come in every so often and check on me, but family members don't stay the whole time. Once I got all my papers filled out and the IV hooked up if really only took less than two hours to do the whole treatment. I watched an episode of Bones on my Netflix on my Kindle and drank my Gatorade. David brought me chicken nuggets for lunch. We headed back to Tuscaloosa, did some errand running while I still felt pretty good. We picked up Ashlyn and David had a couple things he had to do at the restaurant so we stopped by there and I had some Fried Okra. I LOVE the friend Okra at T-Town Cafe and it was SO GOOD! David still had to finish a few things, so my mother-in-law took me and Ashlyn home. I was getting pretty tired by then. Mary stayed and watched Ashlyn so I could lay down for a rest. Tuesday, David had a lunch event he had to work, so my sweet step-sister drove me back to Birmingham to get my Nuelasta shot. We were entertained while we waited by some live music in the waiting room. We sang Christmas carols for about 10 minutes, then they came out to get me. It only took a few minutes and we were ready to go! I was really tired by the time we got home so I took a really long nap. I felt better after my nap so David and I decided that I would meet him at the mall at around 4:30 after he picked up Ashlyn so we could try to beat a crowd and get Ashlyn's picture made with Santa. Well...Ashlyn really likes Santa...from afar. She likes to wave and talk about Santa, but actually sitting in his lap was just too much. I'll share the picture when I download it from their website. She sat on Daddy's lap this year and we all took our picture with Santa. She is such a funny kid! For now I'm just trying to make it through these few days that I know I won't feel so good to get to the ones where I feel pretty normal. We've had several people bring us yummy dinners and that helps so much! My husband may be a chef, but he rarely cooks at home and I am so tired by the end of the day that it's nice not to worry about dinner. We really have appreciated it. Not to mention how nice it is to see our friends!!! I miss going to church so much, but there is just too much sickness right now to be around that many people! Maybe when the cold and flu season passes we'll be able to go again. It still feels like this whole process is going to take a really long time, but I try not to think that way. This too shall pass!!!
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